The Hitchhikers Guide to Climate Change

Addressing climate change requires a mix of practical solutions, innovative thinking, and a change in our collective attitude. It’s like realizing that the Earth is not unlike a spacecraft, and we’re all astronauts. The only difference is we can’t step out for a breath of fresh air if we mess this up. As we embark on this journey, remember the words of the great intergalactic traveler, Ford Prefect: “Don’t Panic.” With a bit of effort, creativity, and a willingness to change, we can navigate through this. And perhaps, one day, we’ll look back and tell ourselves, “So long, and thanks for all the fish” – knowing that we did our part to keep the planet habitable for the dolphins, and ourselves.

Looking Forward

Most current innovations have yet to reach their potential, and new innovations are essential to address the most critical issues we confront, whether that is climate change, food scarcity, water shortages, or more effective distribution of innovation itself. Advanced technologies can be many things, but several areas, including artificial intelligence, life sciences, and software innovations provide the most potent platform for new opportunities, disruptive innovation, and value creation. Software will disrupt the most important industries in the world, especially finance, life sciences, and communications. These will be the fundamental innovations that will drive value creation over the course of the next year, and from now on.